CMMS Trends That Should Be on Your Radar in 2016

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Maintenance management is on the cusp of a technological revolution thanks to the recent advancements made to Computerized Maintenance Management Systems.

Game changing trends are set to make waves throughout the field in the upcoming year as the tools available to technicians and managers, ones that have remained stagnant for years, are finally catching up to those available in every other industry.

Looking at contemporary facilities that take a risk on advanced Computerized Maintenance Management Systems can present a view of the future and the new CMMS trends that will one day be considered standard.

Entering 2016 with the Cloud and Mobile Applications

Maintenance is a field that requires being on the move constantly. Using CMMS as a maintenance management solution will become that much easier in 2016 as a redevelopment of the technology to use cloud storage and mobile applications has made it effortless to use on the go.

The flow of communication through a mobile platform between managers and technicians has created a world where all the information can be effortlessly sent from one person to another and accessed immediately. Managing and monitoring assets can be done from anywhere with cloud based backups and software available on mobile platforms.

The Future of Predictive Maintenance

There are several ways that CMMS trends are taking advantage of the rapid advancement in technology to assist with the maintenance of equipment. One of these is predictive maintenance, a technology that monitors the data of assets in order to predict and prevent equipment failure by issuing an alert in advance. This technology can dramatically reduce the amount of replaced parts and complete equipment repair by simply monitoring trends to make sure a technician can visit the asset beforehand.

Adapting to the Needs of the Technician

One of the advancements at the forefront of CMMS technology is a redesign of the user interface so that it is more intuitive for the technicians in the field performing any necessary maintenance. While the maintenance managers themselves may find the CMMS simple to use from an office, the same software may be cumbersome to use in the field.

One way this is being fixed is with a push into voice recognition software. Once integrated into the software, voice recognition would allow technicians to fill out the required information while still performing their duties. Being hands free on the job would be a huge benefit to all technicians and allow them to input the required information in a much simpler manner.

CMMS software is at an exciting turning point. By taking advantage of new technology, CMMS providers are revolutionizing the maintenance industry by opening up communication while in the field and creating an environment where equipment can be monitored from anywhere in the world through mobile applications. Any maintenance manager who has not been impressed with CMMS solutions may want to reconsider and test out the new and improved software based on these trends that will undoubtedly revolutionize the field for future generations.